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Pisis said:
Seeing Pbfoot's stupid posts concerning the IDF vs. Hesbulah war...
sorry I really feel bad about that but you are just what I'm talking about intolerant people who walk around looking at the world through blinders
not getting the highest score in my class for the English exam
he got a 99 i got a 94 out of 100, the second highest ';..;'
realising i missed Dragon's den on TV last night and removing my socks after my walk to find them soaked in blood, which was odd because me feet weren't hurting too bad..........
the lancaster kicks *** said:
soaked in blood, which was odd because me feet weren't hurting too bad..........

Thats happens to me every single day, have to peel them from me feet and wipe all the pus from my toe...Gets a bit annoying...
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