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MM, I was just joking about the flute nonsense and mean no offense. But the longer I think about this, who in their right mind came up with that slogan for your shirt? Not knowing your situation, is this for school band? Someone is laughing their @ss off at your expense. Did you point this out to someone in authority? I wouldn't have worn it. Certainly your parents would back you up wouldn't they?!

If my daughter came home with that, I would have their @ss over it.
Being called in my off time wile I was sleeping to go and fix the other @ssholes cr*p and not even get payed for it, the son of a b*tch of a boss.:evil:
F*cking pissed off, if I could get a better job I would take it he is the biggest f*cking @sshole ever to be a boss. F*cking waking me up for bullsh*t.

That is just a taste of how I feel. Now I feel better, but need a beer to sort it all out.
Well I work in a, well a Video Rental store and the Kiddies of everything were priced wrongly by the other dude and I had to go and correct it all and edit each DVD on the Computer. I live 4km from work and I must go through all the traffic and crap and uphill all the way with my bike and I must stand the whole time for 6 and a half hours, no chair, the boss said he has not found the right one yet. Bullsh*t!!!!!!
No longer will I goof on you. That truly is BS. What about..."Sorry. I have a doctors appointment" or "Would like to, Lovey. But I have a hemorrhoid the size of a grapefruit" or "Can't make it ChurchKnob, I sat on some slatted patio furniture and my yam sack looks like pantyhose".

Surely those would work.
Thanks mate, wish those could be used.

No, need a Medical certificate to proof it and he will drive all the way to my house to check up. They moved me from a branch 1km from my house to the 4km one for nothing. Now I must get up even earlier to go to work, you see why we as South Africans complain, no propper work and it is hard to get a job here.
MM I honestly did not mean that as a goof. Not knowing your situation, I'm suprised that a highschool band would allow such nonsense. Your being in a uni (university?) band makes this even more troubleing. As a university student, why would you go along with such nonsense? Tell them to F'off. Skip class. Talk with the Prof. Whatever it takes. Don't compromise yourself. If you don't get satisfaction, talk with the Dean. Wearing a shirt that says "Will blow for cash" is demeaning, sexually inappropriate and not becoming of your alma mater. Sorry to be harsh. I'm honestly didn't want to make light of a real affront to the band students.

My apologies. If you prefer I say no more. Let me know.
Waking up at 6:00 in the morning and not being able to go back to sleep. What's worse, my body does not pay attention to details like going to sleep at 12:30am, so no matter how long I stay up I'm always up at 6:00. To top it off, I'm usually starving, and nothing's open for a good one or two hours!
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