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cheddar cheese said:
Id want fish and chips rather than the healthy rabbit food they serve in school.

i don't mind it 'cos i know i should really be eating it, i'm just as annoyed with the mums who seem to have nothing better to do with their days than go out of their way to feed their kids crap when they've got healthy food right by them, at least send them off with a packed punch if they don't wanna eat what they're given! i mean don't get me wrong i absolutely love fish and chips and would quite enjoy eating them at the time but they're a treat for us as they're so unhealthy.........
fish and chips may be as healthy as they will get.I happened to see on TV a reportage about the first attempt by Jamie Oliver to cook healthy food as part of a pilot program in UK.Believe it or not, there were mothers that served to their kids fried candybars eg. snikers or mars !
some chavs putting posters up around the school of a goth/emo with the words "Not fashion, an infection"...Which I found quite ironic seeing as the chavs are the ones with all sorts of infections. I declare war, and need a clever poster to retaliate with something that they wont understand....Cant think of one though....
The fact that I had to cite sources in a paper, even though the teacher expressly told us which source to use for each part, and that we were not to use anything else. It seems rediculous to cite the charts, when the teacher told everyone where to get them. Sure, you can't have students passing off others work as their own, but you'd think that having all of the students use one source would negate the need to site every flippin' chart. In the writting, I can understand, but the charts that the teacher says to copy verbatum from the site is insane. Goodness, don't you think you might notice a difference if someone had a different source. For example, if everyone was saying that a nation had a unemployment rate of 5.2%, and one paper says that the same nation's rate for the same year is 3.8%, then penalize that person for not following directions.
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