What annoyed you today?

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The site being not off and my friend so drunk he did not even know where he was. He came back from the US and I had to work so I arrived late at the party and they allready had to much to drink.
Had some fat ass causing hell in the grocery store I work at. Started flipping the bird at one of my fellow co-workers and dropping the F bomb. I was a little scared, because I didn't know what the dude was gonna do. After he left, I got pissed at him.
Cousin had a car accident...he's ok though...

The bad thing is that it led to getting a massive lecture from my mum on driving safely...I do not need to be told what the correct way to drive is, I do know...
Cousin had a car accident...he's ok though...

The bad thing is that it led to getting a massive lecture from my mum on driving safely...I do not need to be told what the correct way to drive is, I do know...

I just got that lecture from my dad as both my brothers are wanting to be carted around. It is like they think you are totally stupid when (generally) you aren't...
Exactly...Some accidents you cant help, you might hit black ice or something, or have a tyre shot out by the mafia...

I dont know if any of the Britis here saw a picture in the paper of an AA instructor car up to the door handles in water? Cos that was my instructor
may I suggest a nice Weizen Bier to calm all of your nerves..........I am, as I'm in the house for 15 brief minutes nearly getting electricuted on my roof
Don't fall off that wet roof, Erich. My neighbor did. Bent a couple of vent pipes and tore his gutter off on the way down. Luckily he only suffered a sore back and leg.
have done that numerous times even falling nearly 40 feet blowing out gutters, real neato when the home owner watched me crater to the ground with my Stihl blower still in my hand ........... talk about freakin out !

nope the roof is dry but I forgot as I was laying down adjusting lights I nearly backsided into our 3 foot electrical extension running vertically above the roof...........that could of been a real .......... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzappppp, I'd be blinking on an off, so who needs Santa
Crap. Road surfacing crew just drove their freakin' grader though the
optical cable by my driveway...No TV or internet at home for a couple of
days. The Frau will be far more annoyed than I, so my life will be a tad
more difficult till its fixed...One discovers how spoiled one is when these little
luxuries are taken away, even for a short time.
don't want to sound a little off base but why wasn't your electrical lines marked and covered ? better contact your locals on that one to get you up and running again

just threw away 3 100 light strands.............oh boo hoo
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