What annoyed you today? (3 Viewers)

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it's dark on one side of our valley and really snow bright on the other........welcome to the Platonic Sphere !

Chris the Weihnacht markts this past weekend were good ........yes ? we are enjoying your package man ........... thumbs up

physically I am a total mess according to the Doktors..........bah what do they know :D
At dinner I like to watch the evening news with wife and daughter.
So, why do they have to saturate the news with commercials about
erectile dysfunction?
I can relate to the Christmas tree...stuff. I too have been there.

What annoys me? My younger son getting all prepared for basketball this evening only to find that the power was out at the gym. Big storm brewing.
it's dark on one side of our valley and really snow bright on the other........welcome to the Platonic Sphere !

Chris the Weihnacht markts this past weekend were good ........yes ? we are enjoying your package man ........... thumbs up

physically I am a total mess according to the Doktors..........bah what do they know :D

Erich we ended up not going to any markets last weekend. The weather sucked so bad it would not have been any fun.
well bummer man, you this weekend though ? we are heading up in the rain to my in-laws again, seems they want to give us some gifts, personally I couldn't care less and do not cherish another 200 mile plus drive north, but the in-laws are not getting any younger in fact they both are deterorating at a fast pace and my dear wife is having a hellish time of acceptance of all this as this may be their last Christmas on this planet. . . ....
I hope it dumps on you folk, when I get back they have said snow on the ground here by Sunday afternoon so it could be slick snot especially with all the folk that CANNOT DRIVE in the white fluff since they never learned or do not care 8)
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