What annoyed you today?

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I think both of you have points but syscom jumps all over you for what you say and he does the same thing for his arguements. A lot of the time what he says starts the arguement. He has a feeling he can be wrong. At the same time though Lanc, when it comes to these matters you are very stereotypical and you can admit to being wrong either.
Lets see what annoyed me today. My snake is going through its "I am not going to to eat for 2 months stage". So now I have to care for some large mice, until it decides to eat. I am afraid that I will get attached to the lil buggers. Right now they are all cuddled up in a little nest they build in the cage that I am keeping them in and it is rather cute.
There is something exceptionally wrong with that scenario, Adler. What I cannot put my finger on. But kinda like playing God. Yet somehow different than the rest of us heathens eating meat from the social food chain. :)

I remember a buddy of mine had Pirahnas. THE most boring fish on the planet. I remember one of them a about 5in long eating a feeder fish. The feeder fish was almost as long as it was. The tail of this "eaten" feeder fish stuck out the mouth of the pirahna for quite a while.

I should join PETA. That way I could hang out with skinny vegetarian chicks.
I went to the Claire Chennault Flight Museum yesterday, but due to the inclement weather (ice), it was closed. DAMN DAMN DAMN. I haven't been there in 10 years and my wife said, "You should go, it would be the perfect day for it." GRRRRRRRR 20 miles later and it's locked up tight. I guess one saving grace is next to the fence was a Bronco, a Thunderchief, a MiG-21, and a MiG-17. BUT STILL....................
My harness tech called in and said she wasn't going to make it to work
because it was cold and looked like it might sleet...I gotta quit hiring
these bimbo's. I mean, for cryin' out loud, she drives a 4 WD pick up!!!!
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