What annoyed you today?

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Ahh. Okan = Hurricane/tornado.

With my redneck upbringing, I'm beginning to think that I do speak more than one language. English and Redneck. My kin down south also call a Hurrican an Orikan.
Taking the car for a service and the had to take it back because the rear brake at the left hand side almost locked and he had to fix and and my mom giving me a lot of crap because I was late to pic her up from work because the mechanic took his time to fix it. Why do I get blamed?

P.S. Pisis the best of luck for you and your girlfriend.
Pisis - Its a frog in your throat. A frog in your neck is a goiter.

Annoyed me? Sports politics in my youngest sons Boys and Girls Club grades 1 and 2 basketball. During the playoffs our team went into double overtime. Yeah DOUBLE OVERTIME in 7 and 8 yrs old basketball. There is a rule that all kids get equal time during normal play. Okay. The woman coach demanded that in the TWO overtimes each kid MUST play equally and did not play the better players more. Well you can bet the opposing team coach sure did. Our Assistant coach disagreed with our woman coach philosophy. He wanted to form his own team and we wanted to follow him. He was denied. Man we in our house are sports snobs.

Just remember all you up and coming parents. Sports now adays is VERY competitive at all levels. And for those who have grown up in a mamby-pamby world, sports is NOT about "just having fun" or "getting to know your fellow mates". Sports is about winning. Sports are a civilized form of combat. There are winners and losers. It is not fun nor a happy place to be a loser. Sports are a life lesson for the rest of your life. Live it. Love it. Learn it.
My knee that was injured in the military 4 years ago, acting up again. It is all bandaged up for support right now and I can put full weight on it without it buckling.

It will be okay though, just very painful. By Monday it should be good to go again.
Watch that ingrown toenail, SE. When in 9th grade my became infected and was borderline gangreenous. I ended up having my toenail permanently removed. Lots of local anesthetic and a pair of pliers were the tools of the day.
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