What Annoyed You Today?

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Got up, went to work and realized I had left my brain back at home!!
Started off the day with a major "Blonde" moment, and I've got brown hair! Left the house, locked the door only to think I had left my truck and house keys on the kitchen table. Luckily I carry a spare ignition/truck key in my billfold so I figured I'd just to go work and hope someone was home when I got back. Started the truck with the spare key only to realize I had my key ring with all my keys clenched in between my teeth, duh.
Had so many things on my mind this morning that I just didn't realize that I had them. Rest of the day has been pretty much more of the same.
Ouch, I don't think I could bring myself to pay $160 for a hat either.
Think I need to go into seclusion. In addition to dropping the previously mention truck jack on my foot, still hurts, I've managed to break my bandsaw and last night I could not open my drivers side door on my truck from the inside, had to roll the window down and open from the outside. Connecting rod was binding and couldn't even move the inner door handle. Rod is now twisted and the little plastic cap that keeps it in place is broken and will not hold the rod in place anyway. Wonder how much that stupid little piece of rod will cost me?
As far as I know mechanics, they'll probably charge you something like $50 or $70... I once had to pay $15 for a set of two light bulbs for replacement of the ceilling light of my Ford Ranger... And it was only for the friggin light bulbs... I had to change it myself !

What annoyed me today ? Took a look at my Revell 1/48 B-25J's assembly plan and noticed that, even though I would have room to fit a pilot, co-pilot and bombardier, I wouldn't have the room to fit a turret gunner and a tail gunner. Arrrrgh ! That thing is so big that I wanted to crew it and hang it from the ceilling ! Oh, well... I'll have to wait until I clear more room somewhere in my house... Guess I'll have to concentrate on fighters for a while...

Good news is I picked up the part from the local junk yard for $27. Have to pull the part from the wrecked vehicle yourself, but that's not a problem. So instead of paying $45 for just the lock assemble I got the assemble, all the connecting rods to the handles, locks, etc.. and the remote lock actuator (which was previously broken on my truck) for a grand total of $27. A little less that an hour to take my unit out and put in the new one. Also got the plastic pull lever for the hood release for free so I replaced my broken one as well, not more hood not latching properly due improper tension on the latch!
Couldn't find th proper passenger side mirror so my old one will have to remain duct taped in place
Now I can unlock my doors in the winter when the lock freezes shut and no longer have to roll the window dow in order to open the door from inside the truck
I did manage to cut myself in several places in the cramped inner door spaces trying to loosen and tighten bolts, but that's to be expected. Didn't loose and significant amounts blood
Caught the same God damned computer virus twice in three weeks... And I had to format my hard drive both f*cking times because NOD 32 failed to detect it.

I'm now using Avast, hope it will protect my computer better.

Same answer: Use Linux I installed Ubuntu a few weeks ago and it works like a charm. The best part: No virusses. Only anoying thing is that Bl***** scanner. :loL:
I thought about switching to Linux... The only problem is there is several known compatibility problems with hardware and games... So I don't know if all my programs/games/hardware would work with it. I think finding out that my games (mostly made before 2000) or my video/sound card wouldn't work would seriously piss me off.

Apart from the scanner I have no problems. Dos games work with Dosbox, My Geforce was easily recognised, soundcart does work and Il2 runs under Wine MSOffice doesn't work, but openoffice seems to be a great alternative (and compatible, too). I suggest downloading Ubuntu and install it under Windows. You'll get a dualboot system without re-partitioning (and without vmware ). If you don't like it, simply uninstall Ubuntu under Windows and it's gone.
what annoyed me today?

a news story of 4 women, spurned lovers of one man, exacted revenge by luring him with help of his wife to a hotel room where he was held, tortured and bashed.

the news treated it like a right laugh due to a male victim. Mentioned the hell hath no fury cliche. Hill air ee ous.

the crux of the annoyance was I wonder if they'd been so nonchalant should a woman had been held, tortured and bashed by five men. I wonder what cliche they would have used then to appeal to the supposed audience.... didn't stay in the kitchen? Wore shoes? Backchat? Didnt put out? Didn't open the beer?

the annoyance was the laughably irresponsible gimmick reporting of a person held, tortured and bashed by five other people, the significance/seriousness of the event astoundingly diminished solely due to the gender of the victim.
I hear you, 20317.
Here's my complaints for the day:
Waking up to:
- back ache. Again.
- sprained muscle under left shoulder blade.
- cramped up right foot. Ouch!
- and a hairstyle that'd cover most of the compass rose.
It's monday, need I say more?
Now the rest of the day just HAS to be good - what, with a start like that?!?
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Some Morrocan dumbass telling me that Europe would have been better run under Hitler... Stating that a unified Europe under him would have been richer and more unified than what the EU is currently trying to do...

And we actually gave Canadian citizenship to such an @sshole ? Too much Al Jazira clearly makes peoples bumber.

*Breath in - breath out - breath in - breath out*

Time for my pills, I think.
"Some Morrocan dumbass telling me that Europe would have been better run under Hitler... Stating that a unified Europe under him would have been richer and more unified than what the EU is currently trying to do..."


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