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Well even though it is Christmas

I was opening a bottle of grape juice and well the plug thing ma jiggy blew off and hit me in the eye(yes I know I've got bad luck I think)bloody painful!!

Anyway don't worry chaps ,Whiskey's took care of me
Hope it went OK Karl. Just your luck you had to put up with Everton football team. Footballers? All a load of overpaid premadonnas; waste of rations!!

all was fine mate and i must say everton were probably the nicest team i've fed apart from my beloved tottenham of course, even tim cahill and he's a digger, just kidding all you aussie's out there
Gained way too much weight back over the last year. Time to start the Diet and exercise plan, and stop drinking again. None of this after the New Years start date either, it starts TODAY!!! Have to loose 50#'s by spring, then it's serious conditioning training so I can climb some mountains without passing out this next fall.
Just spoke to the Auto Repair shop, new plug hole is threaded and plug installed, now say alternator is not working!!! Not sure if he is B.S'ing me to get more cash out of me as it was working yesterday when I drove it in. Truck has got 200,000 on it and I've have to really crank on the started a few times this winter so it's possible it went out with no notice?
Let's see...

At 1:25 AM I started burning a CD before electricity went out at 1:30... And didn't went back on until 5:00 PM. Luckily it wasn't so cold outside... Only about -15C. But the temperature inside the house dropped from 23C to 10C within 17 hours...

According to my sources, it was a major electricity pole in Northern Québec that collapsed... Taking out electricity from Québec City up to the Saguenay.
Wow I feel like sh*t. Went out with my friends and then had to go to a Birthday party of the one barman at the one bar and oh boy did we have a few. Lucky for me I do not do this a lot anymore.

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