Recently, I bought a couple of cheap cd's to "harass" one of my friends with, and I'm giving 'em a spin before I bother him with the crap:
Volksmusik fürs Herz and Spitzenhits der Volksmusik. German schlager at it's worst.
It's the kind of music that'll make your ears bleed, you start rocking back and forth on the spot, begging someone to please stop the stuff, and if it isn't stopped, you'll automatically start banging your head against the wall, while screaming and crying. In other words, it's our favourite hate music.
Be warned - here's an example: View:
The scary thing is that I'd bet that if you have enough beers, it'll sound great. OMG the thought!
BBC News frantically trying to make a story out of nothing happening with our 'hung' parliament...
UPDATE: A hack has seen a junior Lib Dem gopher carrying pizza into the Houses of Parliament, and someone has been obn the phone to Alistair Darling, who is in Europe promising not to give any money to the Euro group. Turning over now methinks...