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I dont know I just looked it up. The Army uses the TH-67 Creek and the Marines and Navy use the TH-57 Sea Ranger which are both the same thing and varients of the Bell 206 Jet Ranger. The reason the Army version is called different is because the 57 is made for overwater training as well.

Same aircraft though...
My 14 yo son and I were talking and he said that he wanted to join the Army when he's older. Floored me! I've been fighting with his mom, my ex, about how he is and didn't know how he felt. He plays alot of PC games, especially Call of Duty which has got us talking on the same level for the first time. He's really interested in WW2 and Normandy.

Any ideas on how to prep him for this? I've never been in the military and didn't know if there were prep classes or things he can get ready for. I'm so happy he's looking alittle ahead with his life.
There are no prep classes you can take to prepare you for the military.

The closest would be for him to take JROTC which will give the fundementals about how the military works. It also allows you to join the military with a few ranks higher.

Basically just keep him healthy and physically fit, but make sure that is what he really wants to do. Dont pressure him to do anything because joining the military is a big step and a difficult one as well. At 14 he might not really know what he wants to do.
No prob. Just know how some anti-war liberal Michael Moores would react if I said my son was going for the military.

BTW loved your 4/27.07 post.
another gorgeous day of rippin the pavement with 30 other crazy spandex clad riders in the northern hills of southern Oregon. 2500' elevation gain for 40 miles, although I did 56.

E ~
Saw a Dacota flying low over my house, just an hour ago. My wife saw it flying here some weeks ago already, so I'm hoping it'll stay and fly over my house again. It's still a magnificent sight, such a machine still flying.
After taking a year to build a 3 axis CNC machine(should have taken 6mths). I finally cut my first piece. Finishing pass was a bit shallow. But not bad considering the tools are meant for steel and they were borrowed.

Pictures of the machine are a bit out of date. Will post more if intrested. As soob as I have mastered the machine it will be cutting a 1:4 scale plane. Apart from the usual balsa bits it will cut a scale prop, hubs and moulds for tyres which will including the lettering. Speed of machine is 70" per min(although could ramp upto 140" per min just by changing the threaded rod). Rogh cut on leaf took 7mins and finishing pass took 10mins(leaf measures 120mm x 60mm)

Smile is from ear to ear.


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What make? Springfield or Colt? I'm suprised you guys don't have the Beretta.

Youngest has a coach pitch baseball game. And its raining. Hehehe.

It's a springfield. It was a wedding present from the wife. The M9 is the standard service pistol, I was just referring to my own.
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