What do you do for a living?

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FBI guys stuck out like sore thumbs when I was at Quantico. Do they make them grow staches and those cheesy flat-top haircuts? We were on a hump once and our Bn CO stopped an FBI agent whizzing by our formation in his car.

The Hogans Alley town is pretty cool. We used it for urban training.
Well I will I will be signing a government contract on the military post where I work in the next few weeks. Going to get out of AAFES finally.

It is not the aviation job that I want but it is better than working for AAFES and until I get a good aviation job again this will do and is better for me and my wife since I will be on a government payroll.
Working for IBM since I was 21, I'm a mainframe,dasd, tape library system support rep.I maintain probably the largest account in the denver area. To you software pukes, if it ain't smokin it ain't hardware....PS: I have 7 months, 21 days, 6.5 hrs, 30 minutes to get my 30 years in. This momentus occasion marks the halfway point in my working career cause I can't afford to retire.YEESH!!!!.
I work on an oil refinery and before that on a chemical plant.
Over the years,I've been gassed,burnt,been in two explosions,sprayed with sulphuric acid,ammonia and kerosine
In 1974 I lost 28 workmates in a massive plant explosion......
Hoping to retire in two years....if I make it !!

I have heard of stories of what happens at oil refineries/rigs. They aren't good
I work for a small upandcoming Telecommunications company that my buddy owns and operates... I had my own company but sold out to my pal in order to free up my life... We do commercial installation work, from backbone fiber and copper to the Cat6 jacks in the wall...

I am currently the Project Manager and Supervisor of 4 crews working throughout the Mississippi and Alabama Gulf Coasts...

That sounds like a good job. I hope something like that works out for me eventually when I get out of the mil.

Damn - sorry about the double post. I didn't mean to do that... but I didn't mean to drop bowls all over the place this morning either...

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