What is the Best Beer in the World Poll (1 Viewer)

What is the best beer?

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Couldn't agree more, Kurfurst

I have tried several French Beers in my many many trips to France (I used to live only 1 hour from the French Border) and I have never found a French Beer that came close to Czech, German or Belgian Beer.

You are correct however that all countries have there piss poor beer as well.
you b*stards talking about beer..... gggghhhhhhnnnnggh.

I prefer German, Paulaner is rather good, but there are some good beers all around the world, you just have to know where they are and be willing to sample.

But Domestic American beers as a general rule are like carbonated horse pee. Blergh. Even a large majority of the microbrews are pretty nasty now over here.

I'm not fond of Beck's though, as German beers go, and prefer the darker beers to the lighter ones. (at least as the cold weather approaches, warm weather calls for a nice, light, ice-cold wheat beer.)
I'm not fond of Beck's though, as German beers go, and prefer the darker beers to the lighter ones. (at least as the cold weather approaches, warm weather calls for a nice, light, ice-cold wheat beer.)

If you had said you like Becks I would have been worried. It is the German answer to Budweiser.
If you had said you like Becks I would have been worried. It is the German answer to Budweiser.

That's what I call it! It is pretty darn nasty.

My husband drinks Heinekin, (again, yeck.) but he's one of those sissy "pee-colored" beer drinkers. I always razz him about drinking a real, amber-colored, malty, frothy decent beer.

Of course, now he just torments me because beer isn't allowed -and the non-alcoholic beers are nothing but a tease.

Thank GOD I'll be non-pregnant for Bavariafest in August and Oktoberfest in September. Kid's going to get his first taste of the good stuff through me. XD
We are moving up in the world. Now our beer is horse pee, back in the 80's my German friends call it cow piss

List of world famous american piss, opps, I mean beer:

[]American Beer

Consume at your own risk.

Lemme know if it is. I do like trying domestics. And Saranac has never really failed me in taste for US beers; though the hubby hates it because it's not imported. Saranac Black Forest is a really nice, nearly black, malty beer.
Today I have tryed some homemade Norvegian beer.............
It tastes like heaven ,but kick you like a mule......
taste verey smoot and soft like appeljuice ,,but it hold 18 %. very dangerous..... ...
Today I have tryed some homemade Norvegian beer.............
It tastes like heaven ,but kick you like a mule......
taste verey smoot and soft like appeljuice ,,but it hold 18 %. very dangerous..... ...
Are you Norwegian I spent a month TDY in Stavenger
You wanna know the best beer in the world??
i'll tell you what beer is the best beer in the whole entire vast world....
...an open one. 8)
here is another link:

Evaton, Inc.

Unicer - Super Bock - "The authentic taste from Portugal"
In June 1977, and after the merger of the 3 main Portuguese beer producers, UNICER (Uniao Cervejeira E.P) was born. The company remained with government capital until June 1990, when all of its capital was privatized. Focused, above all, on the beer market, UNICER has also an important position in the production and distribution of soft drinks and waters. Super Bock beer was first introduced in the Portuguese market in the early 30's. It is the leading beer in the Portuguese market (42% market share/Sept. 1998) and is the only beer to have won 15 consecutive gold medals in the "Monde Selection de la Qualite". Produced with selected and high quality materials, Super Bock is a lager beer inserted into the Bock beer category (very strong beers).

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