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Senior Airman
Oct 2, 2006
Or ale, lager, chibooli, etc?

Of course, I already know, but I want to see what you lot have to say on the matter! :rolleyes:
Yeap we allready have several threads dedicated to this.

The best beers though are Kristal Weizen, Lichtenauer Ur-Hell, Kilkenny, and a good German Pils.

Sys will come in here with his Budweiser rules crap. We all know Budweiser is piss water.
I just home brewed for the first time, I used one of those kits - It came out tasting a little like Killian's and/or Guinness, depending on which bottle of the pour was tasted. One thing for sure, its pretty potent, I'm guessing about 12%.

For Me, Guinness, Sam Adams, Newcastle, Blue Moon, Fat Tire.

My casual cheap beer - Henry Weinhard's
OK, Adler, if its been done so often it's of no interest, kill it off.
Im not saying kill it off. Just saying the 2 links that Les posted about the best beer were allready done. I dont mind leaving this one, it will turn into the same convo as the other ones though.

Oh by the way you live in France, what the hell is up with that 1664 beer or what ever the hell they make. That **** is so nasty! I had it in Paris 2 months ago and would rate it only slightly above Budweiser.
Windhoek Lager brewed like the Germans brew there beer by Germans in Namibie.

My cheap beer is Carling Black Label, not the best, but worth something.
Oh by the way you live in France, what the hell is up with that 1664 beer or what ever the hell they make. That **** is so nasty! I had it in Paris 2 months ago and would rate it only slightly above Budweiser.

Moral of the story, don't drink French beer! They rate that stuff highly.
if push comes to shove I've never had a bad beer some just cause different effects but I'm still very partial to domestic beer it does'nt have that extreme malt taste and I've probably spilled more then some have drunk
Hell no, tastes like puke... :lol: Blackthorn tatses of old man, Magners tastes of anesthetic, Strongbow is ok but you cant beat the top quality expensive stuff. But White Lightning...You cant enjoy a nice glass of it. All its good for is getting you pissed quickly ;)
I'd take a tall glas of this right now ......


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Hell no, tastes like puke... :lol: Blackthorn tatses of old man, Magners tastes of anesthetic, Strongbow is ok but you cant beat the top quality expensive stuff. But White Lightning...You cant enjoy a nice glass of it. All its good for is getting you pissed quickly ;)

I know it is foul, good cider is so much better (obvisiously).

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