What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Inheritance or else Shitboysgutentag (Dědictví aneb kurvahošigutentag) - a very funny film from (I think) '92 about a Moravian redneck who inherits a giant sum.

No, you SHOULDN'T watch that, 'cause you're much too young.

I saw Human Traffic and one Israeli comedy from 1968 whose name Ive forgotten... But it was good.
This morning saw: Rio Grande w/ John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Harry Carey Jr. Ben Johnson, Victor McLaglen, Chill Wills and Claude Jarman Jr.

This is one of the best fraggin' Cavalry movies ever made. This is part of the so called- John Ford/John Wayne Cavarly movie trio.
Singles. Set in early 90s Seattle , Chris Cornell, Eddie Vedder and Layne Staley all make appearences. And the soundtrack is awesome.

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