What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Tiger said:
Which one? Doesn't matter though, because none of them follow the book, its just Americans blowing sh!t up.

The one with Tom Cruise. The Plot is good, also the graphics. I just dont like Tom Cruise.

I did though like the 1950's one. That was pretty good.
P38 Pilot said:
The one with Tom Cruise. The Plot is good, also the graphics. I just dont like Tom Cruise.

No they got rid of quite a bit of the plot. Read the book.

I went and watched Pirates of the Carribean 2 today with my wife. Great movie!
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
No they got rid of quite a bit of the plot. Read the book.

I went and watched Pirates of the Carribean 2 today with my wife. Great movie!
I know, but it was better than some Scientist trying to explain everything. What would've made the movie better if it had been in a soldier's eye view...

Last movie I saw, Team America: World Police!
P38 Pilot said:
I know, but it was better than some Scientist trying to explain everything. What would've made the movie better if it had been in a soldier's eye view...

Hell Yeah!!! and if the aliens had been Iraqis it would have been even more awesome

Read the book and you'll see how far off the plot the films are.
Yeah, damn right. Nothing wrong with kids movies. They are funny without swearing. Since most adult comedies have to swear all the freakin' time it gets old pretty fast. So, me and my girlfriend took her brother to see it. You should see my collection of cinema tickets... a real collection of movies. From Cars to Da Vinci Code to Silent Hill

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