What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (2 Viewers)

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Well, haven't been to see a movie in a theater since the release of Enemy at the Gates (yes, it's been that long"). Broke down last night and went to see Fury. Not too bad, but my question is was the F-bomb really used that much back in the WWII era? Just wondering, I really didn't think it was in common use back then.
yeah, the eff word has been around a long time, but they tended to keep that word (and many like them) out of the media and avoided using it in certain social settings until recent times (theater audiences gasped when Rhett Butler told Scarlett O'Hara that he didn't give a damn)

In combat, they used every obscene word under the sun, and then some...though I imagine that in the movie "Fury", the eff word was used a little more than usual, since it's become a pretty common expletive this day and age...

Just curious, I just never really knew if that specific expletive was in common use in that era. Today it is more noun/pronoun/verb/adverb/adjective or whatever else other than a cuss word. I think some of they guys I work with cannot complete a sentence without throwing a effinheimer or two in there
I'm quilty of relying on the eff word to supplement my comments, mostly in stressful situations, though.

The guys back in the 40's were a little more reserved in mixed company, so it wouldn't have been common to hear (except on the battlefield, etc) and the most common word otherwise was sh!t or crap (still pretty harsh language then)

To give you an idea, when I was a teenager, if I said the word sh!t in their presence, I'd get a scolding but if I said the eff-word, they did not approve and I ran the risk of getting into serious trouble.
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