What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (4 Viewers)

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Me too, Adler. It hurt my head a little bit with the love story and all. Graphics were pretty neat but it was a weak plot.
It has been some time since I contributed to this thread... Throughout the time that has passed, I've seen many good movies. Here is some of those I remember:

Jiří Menzel - I Served The King Of England (2006)
A new Czech movie based on a famous novelle from bohumil Hrabal - see Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále

Vittorio De Sica - Ieri, oggi, domani (1963)

Michelangelo Antonioni - Cronica di un amore (1950)
- Il grido (1957)
- La Notte (1961)

Otto Preminger - Exodus (1960)

and many more, but my drunken memory doesn't serve that well. Still I'm working a bit better after quitting weed... :D
I saw 300, Reno911!, Das Boot, Cold Mountain, and The Hunt for Red October. I've been reading alot of books and then renting the movies. I'm reading Clear and Present Danger so I'll probably watch that next.
I saw Flyboys the other night, rented it and told the kids that it was prob junk. I saw the trailer with all the Germans triplanes in red (groan), so we did not expect much. But hummm, it wasn't too bad. I might buy it on DVD. Some nice aerial shots.
Just saw 300, on a scale from1-3 I rate it a turd. First there's all these spartans
with six packs and banana hammocks,this stinker had more packages than "fed-ex".
Most if not all cogent facts about Thermopolae were discarded outright. Even the FX shots are goofed. In a bloody hand to hand scene, limbs are removed like loaves of bologna, blood spurts look like beans flung from a spoon, and as the bodies pile up the sand beneath remains as clean as a "zen gardens". The scene of the oracle is a mostly nude cutey, who's appearance is almost worth the price of admission, even this is wrong, as she looks to be holding her breath,(She is, to effect the trance like miasma, shot under water and digitally imaged into the scene.)sloppy film making indeed. When it comes to CG I don't get it, if you're going to rely on it so much why bother with actors at all. Attacking rhinos that look like enraged, one horned bean bag chairs, a Xerces who must be a goth club reject, is all a little much. I think folks who preferred the high intensity shoot up trans sonic "Zero's" of "Pearl harbor" over the historically reasonable "Tora, tora, tora.",may want to see it. Yet as i left the theater, it occurred to me, that another verticle slash added to 300 logo would spell BOO!. My sentiment exactly.
I thought Hot Fuzz was going to be a very bad movie, but it was actually a very good comedy. I havent seen one as good as that since the last time i went to the movies for Mr Bean the movie which was infact pretty good itself but not as good as the series.

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