What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (2 Viewers)

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For the self-isolation: Been enjoying the second season of Altered Carbon. Kind of classic, if fairly violent, Sci Fi, without aliens at least so far... Just ancient ones who have presumably moved on to a better place or different state of existence. Some interesting technological concepts presented as part of the plot line & a good cast. If interested in mystery noir, I recommend Hinterland, good cast but very heavy and unflinchingly dark and depressing plus the occasionally starkly beautiful Welsh Landscape. Change of pace, check out, Ballad of Buster Scruggs as a western anthology. Ranges from Bright and funny to dark and very sad episodes. All found on Netflix. Just started watching Fields of Valor a documentary about the US work-up to create pilots for service in WW2. So far more focused on training of USAAF pilots.
Family movie night - Onward from Pixar. Funny and cute. If you have kids, I recommend. Apocalypse Now on STARZ after wife and daughter went to bed. I went scrolling through the channels for a movie, and for my sins they gave me one. Never get out of the boat.

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