What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Mission Impossible.... I watched just because one of my friends plays there a minor role. BTW, it was from 3/4ths shooted in Prague.
I knew a Colonel who runs a Cadet summer camp (Blackdown) in Ontario, he and a few other people were in a scene of the movie
Murder At 1600, 9 hours of filming for this scene and these guys were only in it for 6 seconds.
lesofprimus said:
I have a fascination and love for Vampires and everything dark.
Ummm dude, thats some f*cked up sh*t right there...

I dont take it too extremes but I am a semi goth. I dont paint spiderwebs and stuff on my face or use powder but I enjoy the gothic dress and so does my wife on occasion. Plus I am really fascinated by the Wican and pagan ways (which I know have nothing to do with vampires or goths). Plus it really goes with my Heavy Metal ways.
Dont take me wrong. As I said I do not take it to extreme. Normally when I am not in my uniform I dress in jeans and a Metallica t-shirt and Vans shoes. I just like the look.

Damn I wish I had my long hair back though!

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