What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Growing up in the Great Lakes region I remember when the Fitz went missing, I was a Junior in High School at the time. Yeah, I saw you also watched one on the Cedarville, the Lakes are no joke when it comes to nasty weather. However the bulk ore carriers were, shall we say, not the best ship design, they were tough not doubt but on loooooong open hold with not many bulkheads in it wasn't a recipe for surviving bad leaks. They also had a nasty tendency to break in half.

But then again, in the 1970s, because of being on freshwater, it was common to see 70 or even 80+ year old freighters cruising by.

Oh, sorry, I digress (again), last watched item, first three episodes of (Dr. Blake, a damned good show):

Growing up in the Great Lakes region I remember when the Fitz went missing, I was a Junior in High School at the time. Yeah, I saw you also watched one on the Cedarville, the Lakes are no joke when it comes to nasty weather. However the bulk ore carriers were, shall we say, not the best ship design, they were tough not doubt but on loooooong open hold with not many bulkheads in it wasn't a recipe for surviving bad leaks. They also had a nasty tendency to break in half.

But then again, in the 1970s, because of being on freshwater, it was common to see 70 or even 80+ year old freighters cruising by.

Oh, sorry, I digress (again), last watched item, first three episodes of (Dr. Blake, a damned good show):

Doctor Blake - good show.
The first two episodes of 'The Acolyte'. (New Star Wars series)
Not bad, better than I thought it would be actually.

I must disagree. I found the two episodes lame, with uninteresting characters, a meandering plot containing some big plot holes and plot conveniences, fight scenes ripped off from other movies which did them far better, and a couple laugh-out-loud bad moments. I'd rate it a 4 out of 10.

The third episode is apparently going to completely rewrite Star Wars canon and lore regarding the Force.
Under Paris

don't ask me why???????
Oh wait......... I'm doing research.
Paying no attention to it.
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