What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (1 Viewer)

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The Grey Zone..Wow realy wild .......Good movie .........I think...(I know the last statement sounds strange ..But if you see it you well know were I'm coming from).....

Its about a armed revolt at Auschwitz.. Its a true story....I would say for this forum a must see...

Its one of those movies you wish was fiction ...
who downed bader ? a 2 hour special on what really happened to d bader.
not conclusive but it may have been a blue on blue shooting and evidence from combat reports point towards a pilot called buck casson ( not sure of the spelling) may have shot bader down after seeing him peel away from a section of 109's and mistaking him for one of them, apparently bader himself mistook the 109's for a section of spitfires, and maybe he came up with the midair collision with a 109 to spare everyone's blushes
letters from Iwo Jima, flags of our fathers and saw 1, 2, 3 and 4 in that order watching "fury of the mustangs" real soon aswell already seen it about 50 time but its a really good documentary on the P-51 mustang after being on this a great movie for all of you all to watch

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