What we deal with in Texas

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Jun 10, 2004
Knoxville, TN

WACO, Texas (AP) — A bull apparently in no mood for vaccinations led police on a chase down a Texas city street before horse-riding, lasso-yielding officers were able to wrangle the animal.

The Waco Tribune-Herald reports that the bull was being vaccinated at a veterinary clinic in Waco when it broke out of its corral Tuesday.

Officers say a man spotted the animal running down the street and gave chase, wielding a whip and lasso from a pickup truck with three or four police cars behind him.

Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton says the bull ran into a fenced yard after about 45 minutes. Two animal control cowboys were able to lasso it into a trailer.

Swanton says police were mostly concerned about the bull injuring pedestrians or interrupting traffic. No one was injured.

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