What's on The Workbench

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Thanks guys.

That little bit of putty near the aft starboard part of the gun ports on the Me 262 is the result of the following unfortunate sequence of events:

1) me being an utter dolt and forgetting to close the door to my workroom after I just glued the gun chamber cover into place
2) an inquisitive cat getting into said room
3) a VERY inquisitive cat getting up on the chair to my workbench
4) a confused but still inquisitive cat mistaking said Me 262 fuelage for a mouse or some other rodent - (you know where this is going right?)

and finally,

5) said inquisitive, but confused, and still very much alive cat knocking the recently joined gun chamber cover and fuselage onto the carpetted floor knocking said gun cover out of alignment - necessitating some unexpected sanding and puttying. Fortunately it didn't get knocked out whack by a lot, but at 1/72 it doesn't take much.

Said cat, a 25 pound grey tabby in case you are curious, has now been declared Feline non grata in my workroom, under threat of being shaved and then airbrushed in RLM camo colors. (My wife did NOT like that idea.) And I now make VERY sure that I close the door whenever I leave the room.
Example # 3,544 why cats are pure evil!

You think I would have learned my lesson after another cat got into my model display case - on the third shelf no less, and knocked the PE ladder off a SM 79, and knocked the landing gear off a Brewster Buffalo and broke off the landing gear, exhaust pipes, gun barrels and the entire engine cowling from a Fiat G50. Fortunately, I was able to find all of the parts and except for the PE ladder which was bent to holy hell, was able to repair all of the damage.

All I can say is after that incident, I was seriously tempted to test the aerodynamics of that cat.

I almost cried when reading that

Sorry, but.....lmao! Will that be followed by a 262 kill on her/his tail?
My cardboard Su-22M4, stil under construction....


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How difficult is it to build the paper ones?

It depends on what an effect you want to achieve.Cartonboard models of planes are of 1/33 scale so it causes that the work on them is easier than on plastic ones. However there is much more pieces that you have to shape in addition. Here a few pics of the Su22 fuselage. The plastic fuselage consists of two halves basicly. Here you are a few more pieces... Anyway the effect can be nice as well.

THX Dwight.


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