What's on The Workbench

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Spent the afternoon working on these a sort of home made turnbuckle for the biplane rigging. First time I've attempted to make them, having uses fine wire for rigging in the past. Comments and ideas most welcome.
:hotsun: :hotsun:


  • Turnbuckles.JPG
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Not too shabby on the Spitty at all Corey, well done...

Vic only an Aussie will get the scale idea using 5 cents as a guide add something else like the edge of a ruler..then people will get the idea and be impressed....I am!:D
Good Grief Vic!! They're tiny! I couldn't even manage that in 1/32nd scale, and for 1/48th I'd just glue in invisible thread or sprue - anything else would have to be unsupported! Great work mate!!
You heard its gone now mate? got rid in favour of the bigger 10c

All new coins a little while back

Really? I hadn't heard that Daniel! ...So goodbye Mr.Tuatara... :(

Here, some bright spark decided the 200 Forint notes would be much better as coins, and they've changed the currency. ( Where's a shovel when you need one..? :confused: )

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