What's on The Workbench

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Any photos of the kite you're doing? No point in painting them rougher if they should be straight!

There are plenty of photos of this kite around as she's still flying, or at least something that looks like her is (haven't had the chance to check if the "current" MK959 is the "actual" MK959):


See also link to video with some awesome Spit low-pass action:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SDzqabqdqs

"Hot damn!" indeed!

(BTW seen this? It's a corker. Warning: strong language content... but wouldn't you?
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvDDDKnNhuE )

I haven't been able to track down any pics of MK959 or any of her squadron contemporaries from around the time of D-Day. I guess with the "modern" MK959 they had all the time in the world the paint their stripes nice and straight, not having an actual invasion to worry about. :lol:
Because a few guys here wanted to see my P-51 Mustang III being under construction. And I haven't wanted to hi-jack Harrison's thread about his P-40. I'm posting a few pics of the model here.This is a cardboard model of 1/33 scale.The P-51 cockpit interior and the tail wheel bay have had to be scratchbuilt.Also the wheel set. Flaps, ailerons, elevators and the rudder were made as separate parts.

Here you are.....


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Here's a couple of in-progress shots of two other planes I am working on.

THe first is the 1/72 Hasegawa Me 262

The fueslage is complete with all of the interior PE work done. (I took these before I added the seat with the PE harnesses.) I'll update them when the seat is in.



The wing and engine assemblies are finished as well. I just haven't taken any shots of those yet. Next step is to simply mate the wings to the fuselage. :D

I'll post more pics on this when the wings are on. :D

And here's another WIP:

This is the PE cockpit assembly for the 1/72 Hasegawa Fw 190 A-8


The fuselage halves are mated, and I just need to drop the cockpit bucket in. Didn't take any pics of the fuselage but I'll do those with the next update.

I'm going to replace all of the 20 mm plastic barrels on this kit with hypodermic tubing (courtesy of Wojtek! Thanks again Mate!). The tubing is almost an exact scale match for the 20 mm barrels. The barrels are cut to size and ready to be painted and added to the wing assemblies.

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