What's on The Workbench

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Nearly had a heart attack then! Alcohol free - you don't mean you're going to drink American beer do you ?!!!!
Hey now, US beer may not be as strong as some but at least we drink it cold!

Honestly, while on the subject, I served all over the world and drank beer everywhere I was; the best (by far) was in Australia on R&R.

I have tried the "Australian Beer" on the market here and it is not the same.
Simple - just add beer! Never heard of beef in ale pie? Just add half a glass of beer to any gravy mix, in place of the same volume of water, it's as easy as that.
I'm a lover of MGD. tried Foster's once. it was delicious! :D
The best (IMHO) is German beer, the Aussies might have %alc. by volume but for pure "knock yer d**k in the dirt" gimmie kraut stuff!
Stationed in Germany three times - love that almost every villiage has its own brewery (and winery), but that Aussie stuff was the best.
Again, being there from VN may have had something to do with it.
Nearly had a heart attack then! Alcohol free - you don't mean you're going to drink American beer do you ?!!!!

As the saying goes here, that's like sex in a canoe, f*cking close to water! ;) :lol: Naaaah, I'll stick to my Guinness, or any Polish, Czech, German or selection of some good Swedish beers! :lol:
Next to try from work is Tyskie! :D
quick pic from my mobile phone of what i'm working on !
kit is an old Monogram 1/48

hurricane IID.jpg

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