What's on The Workbench

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Me 262B-1a/U1 (modified Revell 1:72)

Cockpits, scratchbuilt rear details:

Jumo exhast 'plugs' made from a drinking straw and spare plastic:

Wings and Jumo plugs in place, droptanks glued, rear decking glossed to seal Pfeil C6 decal (ex-Revell Me P.1101 night fighter):

More pics to follow.
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UH-1C Iroquois (reworked, superdetailed Italeri 1:72)

Base colour sprayed, ready for detail painting and shading; CMK resin/PE seats in progress.

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Some good stuff going on there Evan.
Not been doing much for the past four months, and need to get back to finish a commission build. So, to get me back into it, I've started work on the 'battle damage' for the 1/32nd scale diorama for Paul Temme's JG 2 Bf109, August 13th 1940. Long way to go yet, and a lot of corrections and scratch-building needed on the old Hasegawa kit (which they have the cheek to sell for around £40 !!!).


  • Bf109 Temme build 001.jpg
    116.6 KB · Views: 67
  • Bf109 Temme build 013.jpg
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nice job on them bullet holes, Terry!

the 757's sitting pretty on her landing gear with the gear doors glued on. I've also fixed that little fubar I had with the decal sovent in some areas. if you look back, you can see I used too much of it, and it ate through the paint, showing a little white. I'm so excited. she'll be done once I get a spare kit sheet from a guy in Canada so I can fix up these FUBARS on the nose and wing roots. then I'll see if I can scratchbuild some pitot tubes and radio antennas.
oh, and the tires got touched up as well

Well, I've done it! I've scratchbuilt my first Pitot tube! first time I've scratchbuilt anything, really. got 3 more to go! and I'll be doing radio antennas and rotating beacon lights. this is all while I'm waiting for the decals from that guy.

here it is the night before

here it is, part of it sanded down a bit and painted

one of the photos I used for reference

and another
Photos: Boeing 757-2Q8 Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net
Well done Rob. Be careful when finishing off the decals and other details though, as you could break them. It's normally better to add the delicate bits at the very end.
Great work Rob!

As requested by Mr.Little, the UH-1C so far... (more details to be added yet)

Note: kit panel instruments are largely incorrect, but my mate dosen't care about details so not scratchbuilding an accurate dash.
Placards and other details have been painted to represent a US Navy machine, based on an original colour photo of '313 of HA(L)-3.

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Certainly looks the part Evan. I enjoyed doing the Italeri 1/48th scale kit so much (for a friend) I keep meaning to do another - maybe one of these days, after finishing the Wessex ... and the Typhoon, and the .....
Cheers guys!

Terry, if I ever make it back to NZ, got an Esci 1:48 UH-1D stored with your name on it...

Karl, meant to say the other day - great new siggy and avatar!

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