What's on The Workbench (2 Viewers)

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Cheers Evan, and if you ever fancy doing a larger version, then Revell have just re-released the 1/24th scale kit, with the gun-ship option. Should be impressive in that size !
wanted to start work on my PA28-140. kinda forgot that Minicraft has no locking pins when it comes to their GA planes. so I used a technique shown in the modeling airliners magazine. I took some strips of Styrene, and I glued them to the edge of some parts, as you can see. several dry fits later, and it's a perfect fit. I don't wanna start putting it together until I find an interior design that I like. I'll be building this bird with the engine outside of it. that way I can go crazy on the detail, if I can. I also wanna find some detail photos of some parts of the Cherokee 140. something like a walkaround. I'll be doing the Cherokee simultaneously with the Boieng stratocruiser once the 757 is completed

As requested by Mr.Little, the UH-1C so far... (more details to be added yet)

Personally I would like to see a St2Fin thread. I just Googled HA(L)3, do you have the nose Sqn decal for this machine?
It's just the best thing, doing something for someone that's so personal. Is how I felt about doing my 3A for meownself, and repairing my friends fasthers Halifax.
With Wayne there Rob! Nice little aircraft the Cherokee, used to clean them for free flights as a kid :)

Cheers Andy and Bill, and Bill - will try and whack up a thread if ya like. Got a few more Huey's to do yet too, my favourite helo (this will be my 4th when done.)
Got the 'Seawolves' markings btw, Italeri offers markings for helo '316 of HA(L)-3. Not exactly the same as the photos in Squadron's UH-1 walkaround book, but it seems they varied.
nice job on them bullet holes, Terry!

the 757's sitting pretty on her landing gear with the gear doors glued on. I've also fixed that little fubar I had with the decal sovent in some areas. if you look back, you can see I used too much of it, and it ate through the paint, showing a little white. I'm so excited. she'll be done once I get a spare kit sheet from a guy in Canada so I can fix up these FUBARS on the nose and wing roots. then I'll see if I can scratchbuild some pitot tubes and radio antennas.
oh, and the tires got touched up as well
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I love your genre, man. Nice work.
thanks, fellas. I'm trying to look for interior designs before I start painting the interior. I was thinking of a two tone gray, two tone brown, or a red and white
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Good stuff Rob. Remember, the interior colour normally complimented the exterior scheme, for example, a white fuselage with red stripe, would normally have a red and grey, or red and beige interior, blue stripe a blue and grey or blue and light grey- blue, and so on.
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Good scheme Rob. The ones I cleaned had Cream and Beige interiors IIRC, padded door panels and seat padding Beige.

Got that Airfix Cherokee in NZ, made by a mate. Plan to remake her as my favourite (ZK-DUS) if I ever go back or get my stuff from there.

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