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so which is better, inkjet or laser? and what brand of decal film is best?
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No desktop printers can print white, except the ALPS printer, which uses ink tapes for four colours and white.
In general terms, a laser printer will give a sharper, and slightly denser result, compared to inkjet, although in both inkjet and laser, density, on clear decal sheet in particular, is nowhere near as good as traditional litho or screen printed decals.
Any design incorporating white, such as a badge, needs to be thought out regarding orientation. If it's possible to print onto white decal sheet, and then trim around the decal, fine, otherwise it's a case of printing onto clear, and painting the surface to be decalled white, so that it 'shows through' in those clear areas which should be white.
Most of the decal paper available for inkjet/laser printers are the same, coming from the same place. I once bough a couple of different packs of 'branded' papers, each of which had exactly the same trade name back stamps, and were exactly the same as those I bought, at about half the price, from a computer papers supplier.
The quality of the image is dependent on the quality of the printer and printer ink used and, although useable decals can be produced, depending on the colou(s) printed, and the colour of the surface the decal is being applied to, density of the image can vary. In some cases it may be worthwhile overlaying two decals of the same design, one on top of the other, to obtain the best results where density is concerned.
Note that laser decal paper can not be used in inkjet printers, and vice versa.
I went and covered the air intakes on the front of the Cherokee's cowling and sanded it down. I then drew the correct shape of the intakes in pencil. next step, I believe is "inking" those lines with a sharpie, or something. then I'm quite certain I poke small holes around the inside to cut it out, right? the door outline of the Cherokee was indented, that's why I was able to use a hobbyknife and a razor saw to cut it out.

air intakes.png
what if I need to print a white title? my Great uncle's B-24 "Southern Comfort III" had white titles on the nose
Rob, as outline above, you will not be able to print white lettering or words, unless you use an ALPS printer, or have custom decals made. I suspect that Epson cartridge is for printing white onto darker backgrounds, for notices and such like - possibly not very good at all on clear decal sheet.
yeah, I suppose not. maybe a really light gray or something. I dunno.

cutting out the proper shape for the air intake on the cowling is gonna be a little harder than I thought. I may just putty the thing and start over again


With Bill: would well recommend getting a mini file set. Mine has helped me out no end with the detailing work, MUCH easier than cutting, carving and hand sanding as I used to.
Rob, have a look at those sets advertised below the main subject, in the section where others have bought things. The second set down is ideal, as it has every shape and size you'll ever need. And there are more files in the set, at less cost!
hey fellas, what if I tried an off-white color? something that's white, but has enough color in it to make it not completely white...? could that possibly work?
Nope. Off - white, light grey and similar colours will look reasonable on the decal sheet, but when the decal is applied, the density is 'thin'. Depending on the colour of the background applied to, light grey, as an example, can turn out almost black !

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