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Great looking builds coming along there Even and some good sound advice from Mr T, one snag though Terry, in order to allow sufficient curing time between painting/spraying and masking, I think we may have to extend the GB's by a couple of months each, minimum six months…………..What'd ya say…………………………..

Just kidding………….

Looking good there Evan.
Vic, leave the GBs as they are I think - four months is long enough to get an average model done, and the paint curing is only in terms of a day or two here and there. We already see entries of two or more models by entrants, and a high proportion of unfinished models in each GB - models we, as judges, are watching during this time.
The trick is in the choice and preparation - if it's going to take a lot of time to complete a particular model, within the time allowed in a GB, then perhaps keep things manageable, and only enter that one model, rather than increasing work load, at the probable expense of time spent per entry, by entering more models.
nice job on that F-51!

Using my Cherokee 140 model as a painting template, I'm using Photoshop CS5 to create my own cheatline decals for my Minicraft 1/48 Piper Cherokee 140. still some stuff to be worked out, but this is the basic idea. however, I might need some help in creating a decal for the top of the cowling.
Cherokee 140 Decal WIP PNG.png
Thanks, Terry. the darker brown will be thickened a bit. heck, I think both will be thickened a bit. and I've realized I can create a white registration on top of that cheatline. I just need the right font. any suggestions?
found the font, which is AmarilloUSAF. made up a reg (which I found to be an ex-TWA 757 which seems to be out of service, for now) the white won't show up on the decal paper. it'll be just like someone cut the reg out of the cheatline, won't it?

Cherokee 140 Decal progress w_reg.png

here it is against a white background
Cherokee 140 Decal progress w_reg against white.png
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51 looks great Evan and Rob that idea looks like it will work to me, well done.

here's what i have been working on of late.
decals are a bit thin and not sure if the area behind the cockpit should be silver but am happy, its a Tamiya 1/48 scale

Picture 177.jpg

Picture 174.jpg

Picture 175.jpg
Looking great karl.
Rob, why not try to add a thin, black outline to the letters? You can possibly do this in Corel or Photoshop, by importing the whole design, and using the draw and vector tools.

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