What's on The Workbench

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Here you are another shot of the kite. Undoubtedly one antenna mast , the anti glare strip from the engine cowling to the cocpit conopy and father to the dorsal fillet.

As far as the blue triangle is concerned these seem to be painted on fin+rudder in both sides and the top of the port stabilizer and elevator only.

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Many thanks Wojtek. I see your profile shows the drop tank as olive drab though I have seen a caption stating it was neutral grey. My interpretive skills of black and white photos is not too good as it looks like it could be either color to me. Got a few more books to go through before I paint,but it's safe to say, anti glare panels go back to the fillet and triangle on left stab. only.

Five coats of yellow, the tail is done.I love Citadel's Yreil Yellow, a great match for Insignia Yellow. Concerned about the anti glare panel colors, I of course, forgot to paint the yellow wing stripes. In retrospect, I would have probably grabbed onto one of the wet stripes as I was flipping the model over and over and as it has already sat for years, another day isn't going to matter.

With regards to the anti glare panel colors and Wojtek's(Wurger) fine detective work, it is all Olive Drab, just more weathered in places. Tomorrows project.

Just wondering, anybody recognize these two guys?
I think from a Hasegawa kit perhaps.

I need them for my inflight F-111 for the museum.....


  • 1-48 pilots.JPG
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I think Karl (rochie) has the Hasegawa RAF Phantom kit, which has the same (American style) aircrew figures, incorrect for the FG1/FGR2, so maybe he'll part with them?
I'm afraid I used mine for a RAF F4J(UK) diorama some years ago.
No I don't.
I was justawonderin if someone in the forum might have them.
I need them.

I think Karl (rochie) has the Hasegawa RAF Phantom kit, which has the same (American style) aircrew figures, incorrect for the FG1/FGR2, so maybe he'll part with them?
I'm afraid I used mine for a RAF F4J(UK) diorama some years ago.

i do have that kit, it is in storage, but i am off sun, mon and tuesday so i reckon i can go and have a look and grab them for you Bill as i wont be using them as i never include figures in my models anyway !

will let you know when i've been and found them
Going to start the next group build so I'll add to this when I can. Anti glare panels on...

Tried to get the same angle to show the anti glare panel variation...

Not quite but pretty gosh darn close.


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