What's on The Workbench

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Looking Good!I have got to do one of those for my son in Japan in there squadron markings.
Well another one is done and that makes #7 since right before Christmas :onfire: and #8 the pit almost together .I see I gorgot to put the krystal clear for the side window well get it tomorrow night.I am about to have to build another case to house everything in the next 6-12 months.And I still have to finish the doors for the gun case work work work.

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Nice Kevin. I have that P-40 in a state of limbo right now. The checker decals on the tail went on great but the flash on the nose went completely sideways. Leave the exhausts off until the decals are on
Well here is the P-40 as of now and a resurrected Missouri in measure 22(?) have to go back and look 1/700 and I have a destroyer partly painted in the same measure just need to slap her together.I was amazed at how heavily armed the the Missouri was there must be 40-50 20mm alone then the 40's well,it will go into a water dio.I started messing with the railing tonight gave it a couple of shot's and said that's it save for later.Pics.......
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Thks for looking in Guys recount the P-40 will be #9 since before Xmas but abit under the weather today and trying to do honeydo's
Well Geo even with your suggestion I applied looked to be going well "did not snuggle all the way" so applied some more decal set "crack!" to hell and back.I like you thought about shelving it then thought,outline that side eyeball the other from top and front rivet/panel looking pretty good thus far.I have enough paint in the tub for one/two more passes probably pics tomorrow.Health has been tough this week.
Love that B-26.

Working on the second half of the Sword Malta commemorative kit. Re2001 under assembly.


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