What's on The Workbench

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May the gods of modeling be praised the @#$%#& link by link track is done on one side. Giant PIA to say the least. Doing a straight section is easy but there is no place on the track/link section to pivot on and once glued in place no adjustment is possible. Then you have to make all the individual sections come out even. If you end up 0.1mm off per section it all adds up. Then you have to get your fat fingers into that tiny space on top especially on the drive sprocket where the teeth and track holes have to line up.
Learned a lesson and pre-glued the track/link sections in place on the right side sprocket.
While waiting for a clear coat to dry I thought I would dig into my "To be Continued" stash; I even forgot I started it and don't recall getting it to this stage.The engine is just push fitted...

...to be done thusly...

I thought I had the Prototype markings but so far I can't find them. All good though as a caption in the book "War Prizes" by Phil Butler says they were added later. First step is to remove the yellow paint
Thanks. It's the Hasegawa kit. Not sure if it's the reissue or not but I didn't have an issue with the wing/fuselage fit that seemed to be a problem with the original kit. A test fit of the cowl pieces shows there is still an issue but I clipped off the lower pieces of what I'm assuming represents the firewall and the fit is almost perfect. I'll post a pic next week. Off to camp now...........
First off, it's nice to finish off the old stuff, Geo. Looking forward to those pics.
Finished the right side tracks and it went much easier this time. It's a darn shame you have to ruin so much equipment to gain experience.
Mounted the upper deck. Installed all the small parts on the deck. Installed all the small parts on the turret and mounted the two cannons, the 128mm KwK 44 and the baby 75mm KwK. Installed the turret on the deck
Mounted the silly auxiliary fuel tank on the back deck. Think anyone might take a pot-shot at that big target. Wonder if there was a way to drop the tank just before combat?
Lastly mounted the left and right side skirts and bingo all that work on the track vanishes @#$%@#&!!!

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