What's on The Workbench

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Good stuff. Note that there appear to be some 'burrs' on the locating pins, which, as you pointed out, are the probable cause of the slight gaps - pins not fully locating in the holes.
Going back to the rudder - that 'overlap' is actually part of the fin cap, and appears to have been moulded a part of the rudder in the kit, It will need to be sanded back some way to prevent an overscale 'bump', especially on the starboard side.
Great job on getting the paint off! I have heard of using acetone and have used the nail polish version with no issues a few times when I oopsed some paint on areas I did not mean to. But never for wholescale removal. Filed that one away for future use!
Hopefully you'll never have to remove the entire paint job but these were in the "to be continued" stash and I found other options. The lower cowl has been attached with only minor gaps to fill.

To improve the fit of the top half of the cowl I removed the top part of the engine firewall as well which won't be seen in the end

Again the test fit shows minor gaps on both sides but I think some filing will improve the fit


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