What's on The Workbench (3 Viewers)

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ok, first the bad news: I ran out of air for my airbrush.

the good news is I got the first coat of paint on the Golf. so it's drying and curing right now
LOL hang on, you guys! it'll be a little bit before the car is finished. cos i need a new can of air.
thanks! and yes, the color is called blue metal flake. a testors 1/4 FL OZ bottle. I'm just as surprised as you are. usually my car models turn out like ****.

as for the luftwaffe golf.....I got lazy xP besides it's an 80's car, it deserves an 80's look XD

meanwhile, I'm working on the 1:720 USS ABraham Lincoln aircraft carrier. DAMN these parts are small! >_<
ok, most of the USS Abraham Lincoln is finished. she just needs to be painted, and decals aplied. that won't be for a few days tho. since the decal sheet is taped up to the window in the sunlight

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