What's on The Workbench

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Sounds good - a GF that not only has similar interests, but builds models too! Hope you don't argue about leaving the cap ffd the glue!
Nope! We have His and Hers glue. Paint we share (among other things).

I know that this is not relevant to the thread, but can I have some advise on living with a GF with similar intrests, etc.? Thanks!
:oops:Uh...pics are a bit of a problem without a camera...I'll probably not be able to afford one until my girlfriend and I settle down after the move (she's moving in with me!) so don't get your hopes up. Everything has been pushed to the back burner to simmer while I adjust to living with a soon-to-be fiance (no, I haven't poped the question-yet!...:lol:). Amidst all this, I have to keep my grades up and still sleep, eat, and go to church every sunday. It might take a few years until I even finish the Fw, not to mention the entire diorama. Sorry guys, you'll just have to wait.:cry:

But isn't everything better with time? Don't worry, because at the first chance, I'm going to buy a decent digi camera and snap a lot of pics for y'all-more than you can possibly imagine!

Oh yeah, I nearly forgot-my girlfriend builds scale armor dioramas in her (very little) spare time. Already it's a perfect match, no?8)

I fully understand mate -planning a rather large diorama myself to be made somewhere in the distant future (hope it doesn't full to custard) as a wise man once said "Good things take time" dammit

look forward to any pics you can rack up though!:D
Same interests as you mate! Count yourself lucky and whorship the ground that she walks on! :D

I do that everyday, mate-she is also in my graphic designing class!:lol:
109, Thanks!:)
Y'all, I might not be able to complete the diorama at all-my GF (her name is Natyana) is tempting me to work with her on a german/french armor diorama. Expect a lo-o-o-o-ong wait on this. Sorry for the delay, but life kinda has a way of throwing (in this case, beautiful) curveballs, so don't get your hopes up.:oops:
Thanks, guys, for your understanding-my mother kept saying I was wasting time with models...but now it not only made me join this awesome site, but also got me a GF! :D:D

BTW, is it good to find your GF building models in the nude?:oops:
Depends. If you mean the model is in the nude, well....
But if your GF is in the nude, WOW!
Watch where that glue goes though!
Yeah, that's what my first thought was,...then I realized, I had found paridise!

Hey Capt. Vick, nice project to work on! Keep up the good work!

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