What's on The Workbench (3 Viewers)

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Hey trackend your avatar has just had me in fits HeHeHe.BB

In the finishing stages of a B24J liberator in 1/48 the dragon and his tail Biiiiiig job looks cool tho.BB
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Ok here is my 1/72 Academy P47-Thunderbolt, the fit was great and minimal putty except the tail as thats where the fuselage joined.. Next is wings and such forth, a nice easy build here! :)


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The Alclad will come young daniel! Still debating over whether to have the rockets and bombs on it, I might just leave the underside with the fuel tank and thats it, not sure..
Wow! Big pics!! Looks nice BB, is that the 1.48th or 1/72nd? Looks like the 1/48th, but hard to tell as I had to keep scrolling up and down and back and forth to see it all.
Thanks lads its 1/48 airframes soory about the size of the pics i don,t think my computer likes irfan because i follow wurgers instructions to the letter .Most of the markings on the tails are hand painted because my freinds laser printer does not pick up the colour white and plus he was running out of decal paper only prb is she sits on her tail and thats after a ton of half inch ball bearing was put behind the nose wheel still not bad for a thirty plus year old kit .BB Thats my tribute to the U.S bomber crews that flew out of east anglia.

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