What's the best photo you ever made of an aircraft? (At the moment)

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I have to say that these are a great set of pics fella's.

And as to finding my 'best ' one ?....I got a best one for composition, lighting, mood, panning, nightime, my fave, air to air, ground to air, static...actually, who the 'ell am I kidding, i've got loads and its its a very difficult one to pinpoint.

However, the one I'll offer up has been posted before. I took it a few minutes after the 2 minute silence on Remembrance Day at Duxford. It wasn't until I got home and looked at what I taken for the day, that this one just seemed to leap off the computer screen at me. I love the lighting and the dark green Hangar door for the background. Its one of five pics I've taken that I keep going back to !


  • Spitfire.jpg
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Ah, nice! You don't see an F15 in that way so often.

Garry, the spit looks great, could be a cover of a book or something. Always nice if a composition works!
thank fella's, total fluke really, clouds were not as dark as picture suggests, but i had trouble all day taking pictures to my left because of the lighting conditions which also moved in front of us as the day went on !
Great images here alright. Some are gob smackingly special. I'm a freelance writer for an aviation publication and often get my own pictures published along with my articles - you earn more if you provide your own images, so I like to take photos that I know might be used in articles, so technically, from a photographic perspective I don't have that many exceptional ones. After narrowing it down to three possibilities, this is the one, although it's never appeared in print.


Brendan Deere's Spitfire IX PV270 starting up on a rather grey winter's day. Brendan is the nephew of New Zealand WW2 fighter ace Al Deere and the Spitfire wears his personal marking.
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Nice pic, Nuuman. I always try to capture that moment, but always failed. Your timing is much better than mine :lol:

I like the collection sofar. So many different pictures, styles and reasons why they are special. Great job guys :thumbright:
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this shot was actually taken by my wife at the canberra open day for the australian war memorial airshow with me directing over her shoulder . It was taken with a basic digital camera with the settings for high speed shutter set to max, and a fair amount of zoom applied. it was a difficult shot to capture. it shows a P-40, Spitfire, p-51, Canberra and f-111


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Thanks guys. Agreed, there are a a lot of special moments here. I would have liked to submit one that I took on the day of the public display of the Mosquito with a line up of ex Mossie veterans next to it, which was published in an article on the event, but it was just a close up of the guys, nothing really exceptional about the image apart from the fact that it was a special day for all.

Parsifal, that lineup should be from l to r, P-40, Spitfire, Mustang, Meteor, Hornet. Would have been a cracker if Temora got their Sabre up. All the RAAF needs now is an airworthy Mirage.
oops, my mistake and embarrassing.....its and f-18 alright. There was an F-111 that day and it did a massive fuel burn up the lake. Sometimes i do that....get one image and get it mixed up for some reason

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