What's the oldest kit in your stash?

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Whenever I open an old kit box, the smell of the old plastics is intoxicating. It's a unique smell, peculiar to kits from the 60's and earlier. The other noticible thing is the quality of the molding and detail, absent from all but the best kits of today. Early Monograms, Auroras and Revells are beautifully made. Too good to build!
Since I've been modelling for 60+ years I've managed to accumulate a few old kits.
Some I admit I bought when they were fairly new in the 50's so I thought I'd try
to post a few shots of some of my oldest. The Brifault kit is circa 1954 and the
Olin kits about 1950 or so.


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I am so sorry that I have repeatedly posted this item. I tried to edit it to delete the second post and it just
popped up again. I'm learning..... I hope.
I wish that I had photos to share, but my stepfather has about a dozen 1960's era USSR made unbuilt helicopter kits. The cream of the crop is a 1/72-ish Mil-6. The bodies are all cast out of white plastic with remainder being cast in black plastic.
Hi. This is my 1st post as I've just been lurking up till now. I have these 2. The Helldiver says '1966' and the Hawk is probably from about the same time. I just tossed the Revell F-111 I built in about '66 and the Aurora P-51 with the removeable engine covers was from '64-65. I still have the Monogram P-47 I started in '72 (at 17, I'm currently 64), but I haven't finished yet so I think I probably would win if this was "Who's has longest unfinished build" :cool:


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The oldest unbuilt would be from the early 60s but I still have Hawk P-51D and several Aurora completed and several assorted Lindberg and Hawk which have been re-kitted during moves.
I have an unbuilt Academy B-17B for about 20 years. I have Airfix P-51D, Spitfire MK IX, BF-109F and a Hasegawa B-239 that I started about 16 years ago. I was going to paint the Buffalo some kind of blue and slap some star roundels on it. No one I know would know it's wrong.
I have close to 900 "collector" kits in the cupboard. These are a few. One which stands out is the Russian "Spitfire"(green thing) which as far as I can make out is the old Frog 72nd mould, reboxed with that wonderful boxart. The Helldiver from Hawk is a solid carved job and also has a paper from a Warhawk model of the same era. This was when aircraft recognition models were being "re-purposed" as recreational model kits. The Gaedke box art is always a favourite. Somehow he captured the magic of aviation. Before you ask, the Space Missiles has now been sold.



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