Whats the speed of dark ?

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I have to disagree, the Speed of Dark is slooooooooooooooooooow.

I base this on an incidence when I was in um "involved" with a girlfriend when my mom walked in. I hit the light switch but it took forever for the darkness to appear.

Adds a new dimension to the conversation. Whereas Light is affected by Gravity, is Dark affected by Human Interaction? For instance, there are more car crashes after dark. More people get drunk after dark. More people have sex after Dark.

So Dark is probably relative based on Human Interaction.

The parts of the Universe that are Dark, are only Dark when viewed by a Human Being. Before that, they were neither dark no light. Kind of like Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle, but for Dark.

I have no idea where I'm going with this.
I know that a third of the human experience is sleep and everytime I go to sleep it slowly gets dark.

WAIT A MINUTE! You've hit the nail on the head! Sleep causes Darkness. All we have to do is make sure nobody on the Planet is asleep for one instant and darkness will dissappear (as it is obvious that boozing, sexing, crashing are all affects of darkness and not the cause of darkness while darkness occurs when people go to sleep)!

Maybe we can get the UN to do something about this. Make January 1 "No Sleeping Day" or some such.

Now if I could only have Al Gore sign on to this, I could make some real money off it...
Interesting point. How do you know if the Taildarks are "on" or the Tailights are off?

There's a light on the dashboard for the taillights. Next to it, there's a dark for the taildarks. If the taillight light is on, the taillights are on...if its dark, they're off. If the taildark dark is on, the taildarks are on. If its lit, they're off.

So are dark bulbs readily availble, in case of bulb failure? The UK equivalent to Walmart is B&Q, and I know they have various auto bulbs, but I wonder if they stock dark bulbs....and in which wattage and voltage?
They sure do, Terry...

They're called "black light" bulbs. They come in flourescent, incandescent and LED - all in various wattages.

Used mostly in Disneyland, nightclubs and for Halloween.

Aparently, they're used in lightspeed spaceships, too...

Thanks Dave, I'll have a look next time I'm there. But...how do you know when they're switched on? If they're dark, and it's dark when you switch it on, it might be too dark to see if the dark is brighter than the ...dark.....

Brilliant! Sounds like the logic from Catch-22 on Major Major. "When I'm here, I'm not here so don't send anyone into my office. But when I'm not here, I'm here so you can send them in."

Brilliant RA, you have a future in writing literature if you ever get bored of posting to the WW2AIRCRAFT Forum!
Thanks Dave, I'll have a look next time I'm there. But...how do you know when they're switched on? If they're dark, and it's dark when you switch it on, it might be too dark to see if the dark is brighter than the ...dark.....

Oh, you'll know when they're on...

It's sort of like that deep inner sense that tells you just by looking, that the cooking element on the hotplate is hot (just a fraction of a second before you touch it).
Thanks Dave, I'll have a look next time I'm there. But...how do you know when they're switched on? If they're dark, and it's dark when you switch it on, it might be too dark to see if the dark is brighter than the ...dark.....

So is that a case of dark pollution ?...bit like the hassle you have when trying to use a telescope in the back garden at night to look at the stars and its all dimmed by light glare from street lights / town lights ?

Ere...hang on a minute...have we just discovered an new scientific fact ? We all know that lights at night attract moths....and now it seems, the dark attracts the stars and planets...well, you dont normally see them during the day do you !.
Good point Gary!
Ah, but wait! I banged my head on the underside of my desk yesterday, during the day, when it was light. I saw stars then, but it did go dark for a while.....
oh gosh......even the serious comments are weird in this thread.

For the record, the properties of light are not fully understood , and cannot be explained by any single theory. Since darkness is essentially the absence of light, its going to follow that our understanding of the properties of darkness are just as incomplete as they are about the properties of light.

For the record light displays some of the qualities of a particle, but by definition has no mass. This suggests, along with other properties of light that it has some properties of a wave.

Light cannot have mass because it cannot and does not obey the accepted laws of physics. If it has mass, einstein and others have proven that it would require more energy than is available to move even a tiny particle of mass. Moreover, as mass starts to approach the speed of light, "C" , its mass increases, until when it reaches the speed of light it has an infinite mass. Moreover, as mass approaches the speed of light, the passage of time for that mass would slow down, until by the time that "C" was reached, time for that object would actually stop. it has been theorised that if the object was somehow able to exceed the speed of light it might actually start to move backwards.

Light is not slowed or stopped relative to outside observation, but we have never been abale to travel at c so cannot know what is happening to time relative to the beam of light itself. We cannot tell if two beams of light shooting parrallel to each other, on parrallel course with each other, would see themselves or each other as two ships sailing parrallel to each other might be able to see each other.

Even this might not be correct, and its about at this point that my head starts to implode. The theories about the exploding relative universe are about us also being in motion and expanding at a rate similar to C, so where does that leave us....buggered if i know....

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