Whats the speed of dark ?

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An interesting bit of information. Did you know that it is easy to convert light into dark?

By the simple method of stacking two polarising filters, rotating one of the filters varies the amount of light that is converted. try it at home folks!
I was shooting a landscape across a body of water one time and I had a Circular Polarizing Filter on my lens. Since it was bright out, I was still wearing my sunglasses.

Looking through the viewfinder, I rotated the filter to elimintae the glare of the water and expose the colorful gravel and all of a sudden, the view went dark!

Of course, my polarized sunglasses reacted with the filter, but I'll admit it was a bit of a shock at first.
I think (erronously at times, perhaps,) that since the dark is already there, that it doesn't have to be quicker than light, as its there already; conversely I do not think lthe speed of light is the fastest thing in the universe, its just that we haven't found (or rediscovered) anything faster yet.

What about the speed of electrons and other super microscopic bits of particals that orbit the central nucleus or orbit one of the orbiting electrons (Bosson?) the of a/an partical/atom. We can't even see those sub parts usually even with our best equipment because to super position wise, they are so fast they are all around it at once and yet nowhere too.

..Assuming that the universe is only ruled by gravity physics and that stellar electrical conductivity/plasma theories which are academically ignored, refuted and considered bunkum , so is not considered part of the matrix of information, theory models accepted though that are held as the current 'this is it, theory'.

Myself, I think some of the academics are covering their arses and reputations by squashing ideas that do not support their own statuses their respective 'house' of learning/academia at times, sometimes with the level belligerence that make tyrant blush.

It is a pity most of the ancient libraries were burnt down and/or destroyed by one form or another of so called religious people, humanity has forgotten lost much..

Mmm, maybe its too early in the day for my cafine fueled musing.
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Gave you some bacon to help you recover
A Few misconceptions: #1 The speed of light is not a fixed quantity. The speed of light depends totally upon the medium in which it travels. Light traveling through air slows when it enters water and as a result bends (pencil in a glass of water). Your car can easily exceed the speed of light in certain media. CHERENKOV radiation (blue glow seen in nuclear reactors) is caused by electrons traveling faster than the speed of light in that media.
The Danish physicist Lene Hau in 1998 slowed light to just 17m/s (about 38mph).
Now the speed of light in a pure vacuum is 299,800,000 m/s (about 186,239 miles/s). When a material object (one that has mass) is accelerated energy (force) is required to produce the acceleration. As you approach this velocity (Light Speed) the mass of the object increases (energy used to accelerate is being converted into mass) requiring more energy to further accelerate which is converted into more mass which requires more energy which is converted into more mass..... Thus no material object can even reach this velocity let alone exceed it. Fermilab's Tevatron accelerator brings 200 protons to 99.9999% of this speed using 70 MegaWatts of electricity (about the power consumption of a town of 30,000).
Light does not consist of particles or waves. The particleness of light is that its energy content is quantized into packets of pure energy called PHOTONS. The waveness of light is ability to refract, have a frequency, and wavelength. Waves by definition are a disturbance in a medium. A vacuum is by definition NOTHING which then begs the question WHAT do Light Waves disturb? Thus Light is neither and both at the same time.
Since photons are pure energy they have no mass and require no energy to accelerate and can travel at 299,800,000 m/s.
For objects having mass traveling near this velocity has consequences other than just the mass increase. They lengthen in the line of flight and time slows. AS MEASURED BY AN OUTSIDE VIEWER. To a viewer inside all would appear totaly unchanged thus a beam of light within the system would still travel at 299,800,000m/s. The invariance of Light Speed is a measurement problem as all who measure do so within their particular frame of reference.
POLARIZATION - For those who mentioned polarized light filters try this, use THREE filters. #1 Filter polarized horizontally and #3 polarized vertically. The result as you observed is no light coming through as the filters are at right angles to each other. NOW, take #2 filter rotate it 45 degrees and place it between filters #1 and #3.
Like magic light passes through all three as the quantum uncertanty of the photons polarization expresses itself
I've just spent 5 minutes staring at that black box....with the sound turned up !....waiting for something to suddenly appear and make me sh.....out ! I now feel a right numpty. Good job its dark outside an no-one saw me
Scientists at the Herriot Watt University in Scotland, have just slowed down the speed of light, so I wonder if they can speed-up the speed of dark. Or are they both the same thing ..................
Scientists at the Herriot Watt University in Scotland, have just slowed down the speed of light, so I wonder if they can speed-up the speed of dark. Or are they both the same thing ..................

Could've saved them the bother, they could have had the headlights on my truck ...useless !. My tail-darks on the other hand are brilliant...errrr, I think ?!
Reminds me of my business partner, about 15 years ago. We had a stand at one of the Tank Museum display days, and he went off looking around the trade stalls, and came back with a huge smile on his face, carrying an equally huge box of 'Chemlume' sticks.
"Got this lot for a fiver" he said "they'll be great on our night exercise events."
"Better take them back, or spend a fortune on the correct goggles then." I replied, "Cos they're infra-red - ****head!"
Oh Brilliant...sorry...darkiant...there's no mention if a half a degree in air temperature affects it at a certain elevation...which it should as we all know it gets darker and colder the higher you go !
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