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Clave said:I'm amazed it got to page 2 before anyone posted that...
My dream job would be Pope Assassin
1. There is only one Pope which makes finding him easier
2. Lot's of time off while the elect a new one
3. It's a challenge, and you would get to play with guns and fast cars
Did you know Adler that Chinese gynocologists practice by decorating their halls through the letter box.DerAdlerIstGelandet said:I used to think that being a gynecologist would be a great job but I think seeing the stuff that I would see would ruin my sex life and my wife would leave me then.
MichaelHenley said:My dream job would be paid to sit on my arse and do jackall...
better than my job at the moment! Recovery at a big retail store! ( i hope u guys kno what i mean)
102first_hussars said:NATIVE!!!!