What's your dream job?

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another thought crossed this old man's mind..........all of you working to pay my social security ! now that is a dream job, I thank you all !! :lol:

c'mon you lazy sloths get back to work, WTF are you doing here reading this load of crock ..........
Well like I said my dream job is the job that I do now. I love working and flying on helicopters.

The only thing that I think could make it better would be restoring old WW2 Warbirds. Like taking a scrap Bf-109G, Zero, Spitfire, C-47, P-51 or so forth and completly rebuilding it and then listening to the engines purr back to life. Man that would be great!

that's my point, work for selfish me ............. thank you all from the fine US of A.

just shows how warped the system really is .......... crap
I used to think that being a gynecologist would be a great job but I think seeing the stuff that I would see would ruin my sex life and my wife would leave me then.

4. Spending time in Turkish prisons
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
I used to think that being a gynecologist would be a great job but I think seeing the stuff that I would see would ruin my sex life and my wife would leave me then.
Did you know Adler that Chinese gynocologists practice by decorating their halls through the letter box.

My missus reckons when she worked in theaters as a nurse that squeezing the wind out of peoples intestines so they would go back into the abdominal cavity was one of the more unpleasent tasks (smelly too).
MichaelHenley said:
My dream job would be paid to sit on my arse and do jackall...
better than my job at the moment! Recovery at a big retail store! ( i hope u guys kno what i mean)

NATIVE!!!! ok that was bad i know,

anyway my dream job would be to rule the f**king world.
be paid BIG BUCKS for jacking off! none of that crappy sperm doner salary stuff, i mean i wana get paid thousands for my prime juices

damn thats sick, delete it mods if you like!

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