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They can argue in the courts all they want about art and what isn't - at least there is a yardstick to compare by or start from. But these "Little Miss" pageants are horrible! Someone ought to look into that - I think its just as bad.
6 Years old and dressing her up like a floozy to win pageants.
I was thinking the same thing, njaco. The whole Ramsey case was disturbing.
I was thinking the same thing, njaco. The whole Ramsey case was disturbing. And Lucky, a good Louisville slugger would definitely do the trick.
I watch Law Order Special Victims Unit all the time, and I've learned that child porn can be from infancy to like age 16. I hope they arrest his ass for child endangerment
Yes, in the US at least. Anything pornography made with peoples under the age of concent (16 in the US, 14 in Canada) is considered child pornography. Above that age ( but still under 18 ) it bears an other name... And the punishment is not as severe.
And it just remembered me of something I heard in the news lately... Well, in fact it's two stories. Thanks Howard Stern...
But the question is this - If the 17 year old is charged with pornography, why was the original "producer" not charged? {the 16 yr old girl who sent the pics via e-mail}
May be because she is also the victim ? She "self-photographed" to make a "surprise" to her boyfriend, but the bastard published the pictures.
I don't agree with the Miley Cyrus photos either. Anytime a child is exploited like that, it emboldens the next person to take it a step further until it is "normal" by societal standards. It will never be "normal" to me. God help the bastard that even suggests a nude photo of my daughter.