Which side arm?

Which side arm/branch/family of side arms

  • Desert Eagle

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • Colt/Springfield 1911

    Votes: 16 51.6%
  • Berretta M9

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • M7 (the "Splinter Cell" pistol)

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • A revolver of some sort

    Votes: 2 6.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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lesofprimus said:
For Special Operations??? WTF would u want ur Operators truckin along that big hunk of overkill for???

Special operations!? I'm not that keen in military as some of you guys are, but I wouldn't equip my special forces with that. I should have added that I would issue the desert eagle to MPs for riot control. For combat operations, use the .45 or a 9mm.
would issue the desert eagle to MPs for riot control
Imagine the drop in crime rate and riots we would see if all MPs and Police officers were required to carry a Desert Eagle in plain sight. The rioters or would be crooks would be more concerned about not being on the buisness end of the gun rather than their bad ideas and deeds.

Yeah, thats like what I had in mind. the standard issued Beretta in my opinion is decent and has a 15/16 round clip, but the stopping power is not as great as a Desert Eagle. With a Desert Eagle the round would do more damage to a crook if he somehow acquired kevlar or was on PCP( though if he would feel it is beyond me).

Also, I have a question about this gun I use playing Counter Strike. It's called a Nighthawk .50 caliber, does such a gun design exist?
I'll take my old an trusty Sig Sauer P210 "Neuhausen" as it served me very well in my time. And eventhough it uses the same round as the M9 Beretta, the 9mm parabellum, it is tenfold the gun and packs more than enough punch for the situations in which it was needed.
No problem, I was always a great shot Les A 9mm shot to his head or the middle of his chest and he drops like a stone unable to hurt you at all. (Also the bullets we used weren't always exactly "std.issue")

Anyway my point is, what good is any pistol in that situation if you can't hit straight ? But I agree, the .40 S&W is a better round, its just my 9mm Neuhausen never failed me

Anyways, an angry tribesman with a machete 20ft away sounds nasty though, how did you end up in such a situation ?
actually screw the hand gun for close action in special ops...... give me a double edged blade, one side with saw-teeth. The VC hated us when we adopted the same close knit "quiet" guerilla tactics as we had the size preference, as we "hunted" always in 3's

Gotta agree with you. Based off my experience I dont like the 9mm atleast the Barettas that we had.
The only 9mm gun I would willingly carry if I had a choice would be a Walther PPK, and even then, only as a weapon of last resort. No, its not for the James Bond factor, its because its great for concealment.
Can someone tell me how many 9mm magazines issued in the Berreta and how many .45 magazines you would be issued for the 1911?

Aren't some branches still issuing PPK's to there officers?
Well the standard issue for us when we flew out on a combat mission in Iraq for our 9mm Barretta was two 15 round clips but they handed out ammo like candy over there so we rounded up so many clips and I had one clip in the gun with a round chambered and 2 clips in my holster plus about 4 more clips in my flight bag for a total of 105 rounds.
Ofcourse it would, and the Beretta's only forte is its large clip. The US army would've been much better off with the FN Browning High Power or the Neuhausen.

The reason I love the Neuhausen is because of its truly exceptional accuracy and high muzzle velocity of some 380 m/s with the std. 9mm 124gr round, thats 578 Joules of kinetic energy, so it packs a good punch as-well.

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