Wild Bill has passed away.

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Another generation vanishing...Old soldiers never die, they just fade away...
Day is done, gone the sun
From the lakes, from the hills, from the sky
All is well, safely rest
God is nigh.


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I met both these men in 2010 when Harrison, Steve and myself went to the WWII Weekend at Reading, PA. We talked for just a few seconds, enough for me to thank them for their service and for them to comment how well their lives had changed for the book. I also obtained an autograph from them. I felt very honored just to meet them and shake their hands.

So sad.
Cherish that book Chris. I just saw pictures of them both for when they returned to Bastogne. Their photographs are in the memorial room at the Bastogne barracks along with Buck Compton and Donald Malarkey and about 100 others that served in the 101st.

RIP sir and thank you!
Goodbye to another of the greatest generation.
The world will never see such as you again.
My Dad,...
My first father-in-law, Phillip Sisselman. Calvin David Swore, veteran USAAC gunner of the Pacific , Bob "The Gnome" Shradell, who fought through the Battle of the Bulge as just an Infantryman; ie, not a member of the 101st, just a guy that didn't retreat. Brad Palmar, Fought throughout the Torch invasion, the battle across North Africa, up into Sicily, and was also in the Battle of the Bulge.
I remember all of you.
R.I.P. And may we never forget.

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