Willi Resche´s Tempest kill from April 14,1945

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the supercharger malfunctioned and the engine seized ......aka froze up

the mishap was witnessed by many of JG 301 on the ground watching the battle above them.

Klar ? 8)

I believe the JG 301 staff would have been at Neustadt-Glewe airfield?, which is 10 kms from Ludwigslust and the action took place north of Ludwigslust? How can you recognize a supercharger failure from 10 kms away? Also, it was dusk, and as the fight took place west of N/Glewe (at 50 ft!) , any onlookers were looking right into the setting sun with more than a few trees obscuring the view. The airfield is on the southeast end of N/Glewe, and there is a forested area to the west of it.

I've heard just about every possible and impossible explanation for Sattlers plane going down, heart attack, stroke, engine failure, control failure, pilot error etc etc. Everything imaginable except enemy action.

BTW, according to Shorts combat report, he did not fire at Sattler, only at Aulfhammer after a long climbing turn fight. Two other Tempest pilots claim "FW190s" at that time and place, Sheddan and Shaw. It is also possible that Mitchell fired at Sattler before he was engaged by Reschke "a few seconds later". Short had spotted them coming and warned Mitchell and both had dropped their tanks.

In any case, we have 3 different Tempest pilots who could/may have been responsible for shooting Sattler down, or he could have had a heart attack/stroke/engine failure/ structural failure. We will never know for sure, but if you eliminate the impossible and the improbable .....?

Claidemore, I concur with your assessment and conclusion that logically follows. The implications deriving from the excuses are, in a word, scary.
excuses is a cheap word. The book I refer to at the moment is Monograms/EE's Ta 152 book coming out in the spring. Realize gentlemen and I am going to be deliberately vague, interviews were taken from the eye witnesses during this action, from log books compiled and will be used for this book as well as my own for the future.

it would be revelation if proved and it has not been that Sattlers crate was damaged by Tempest fire that would of caused his demise.

it is rather obvious whatever I share here will not be taken as fact so I will leave it at that. Appreciate Claids comments and have done so myself the lat 30 years studying JG 301

v/r E ~
Hey Seesul

Sorry on my search I wasn't able to find anything

good luck though

hope you find something

I'm very interested in him now
Hello Roaming,

thank you for the time spent on searching for him, I haven´t found anything as well after hours of searching.

There must me some historian from New Zealand who wrote a book about Mitchell´s squadron or group...as Willi Reschke´s son met him during his vacation in New Zealand...and if I´m not wrong this historian sent a pic of Mitchell to Willi Reschke. Willi doesn´t want to show this pic as it is too personal for him and I understand it...as Willi stood next to the grave when Mitchel was burried...

I´ll try to ask Willi´s son for the historian´s name and there you could start then...O.K.?
I'd be very much interested in the Allied side of things for this op Roaming if you find out anything at all. I have Willis full interview on video tape besides it all written up. there is no doubt to me that the days op was very confusing from both sides

thank you in advance. and as a side note what was Mitchell squadron again please ?

E ~ and Roman have you asked on the luftarchiv.de forum for any more infos ?
Sure thing Erich ,will be happy to share any info/photos found

He was in 486. Sqn

hopefully someone from over here will be able to help me

I think so Erich, will check it out...
I'd be happier than plum pudding if someone could find and make copy of Wt. Off. W.J. Shaws combat report as well as Flg. Off S.J. Shorts for me, the two other gents as noted on the other page taking on Stab./JG 301 Ta's ........


Erich ~
If Owen Mitchell had been flying a Spitfire I wonder if his fate would have been different. I can't imagine a Spitfire stalling out like that to a Ta 152.

The Tempest was after all a work horse fighter, like the P-47. Neither of them could turn very well at low altitude.
@ Roman

still looking to see through GErman docs sif they mention Sattler's crate getting hit by the New Zealand Tempests. cannot find any other Fw's or Doras or Ta's from JG 301 downed this date. . . . . . so fat anyway

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