Willi Reschke Letter

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Sorry Chris! I forgot I asked you a question here... I realize it isn't a "How to fish" course but I was surprised to hear that in order to get a fishing license in Germany that there was a test involved. In the States all you do is go buy a license from some retail outlet store, usually a sporting goods shop or here in Minnesota at Mill's Fleet Farm. I don't fish personally (although my grand daughter is working on me because she caught her first fish last summer) but listening to some of the stories from the guys at work, I would say that the course and test sound like a very good idea.

The Germans are really serious about conserving the lakes and rivers in the country. The course covers what fish and be fished when, what size of each fish can be kept and about environmental laws.

Its really uncommon to find lakes with trash in them and the fisherman here really enforce the laws themselves so that they and others can enjoy the waters and fish.

I really wish it was more that way here in the States. Although there are a lot of conservation groups around you still hear too many tales of fishermen abusing the lakes and streams. I'm not a "tree hugger" or a member of Green Peace but I do have a deep respect for nature. I guess it goes back to my years as a sailor and long periods at sea. Your perspective on what's important in life sort of shifts. One clear night at sea, standing there looking at all those stars, many more visible than almost anywhere else in the world, and you realize how insignificant "me" really is. I think more people need to make that trip. Thanks for the info Chris and enjoy yourself. Does your wife fish too? You don't stick her with cleaning the catch do you?

No my wife does not fish, but she loves to eat the fish! Naw I clean the fish!
Maybe one day she'll get the fishing bug. My granddaughter is hoping I catch it soon.

I forgot to ask you Chris, is this license course and test a one time thing or do you have to repeat it every so often as things are revized and updated?

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