Willi Reschke Letter

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Sounds like Willi understands those last couple years of the War just like we do.... Shame he wasnt detailed in his answers...

Thankyou for doing this Roman.

Yep, I have also expected detailed answers as I always got them in the letters W.R. sent me but I´ve been in touch with him for more than 2 years and can tell you this is not an arogance. We drunk out few beers at the one table and spent few beautiful moments both in Germany and in our country and from my point of view and what I feel is that he knows what the WAR is and says we can be happy and thank to God that there´s no war today (at least here in Europe).
In Sept 2006, one day after we have visited his crash landing spot from Aug 29,1944, there was a free discussion with him in our museum in Slavicin. A lot of people came there, even more than when our American friends (2nd BG vets) visited us, as it was for a first time when a former enemy fighter from the battle over White Carpathian visited us.
And Willi began this discussion as follows:
''If I can, I´d like to apologize for everything, what the German nation did to your nation. I was the fighter and my job was to defence my own country. So when I was hanging behind the tail of enemy bomber, I had 2 choices- either to kill or to be killed''.
And after this discussion he told me that he would never belive that he will be so heartly welcomed in our country as a former enemy and that he will never forget these moments.
I got some pics taken during this discussion so I can post them if someone is interested.
Last year I also posted pics from his meeting with that guy in my siggy. This meeting was my dream that came true...

Chris, you don´t need to thank. It was your idea to ask W.R. and you spent some hours on this thread...
Thanks, Seesul, Willi and Adler. I can understand his response. I think after so many years - and it obviously weighs heavy on him - that might have been the only answer he could or want to give at this time.

Cheers to him.



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Willie Reschke" said:
''If I can, I´d like to apologize for everything, what the German nation did to your nation. I was the fighter and my job was to defence my own country. So when I was hanging behind the tail of enemy bomber, I had 2 choices- either to kill or to be killed''.

I think that says alot.
well I will not hack this thread but could answer some of the questions like on the last page but will wait for Will's response, the Dora thing may not get answered since he was not close to the a/c but the A-8 and then off to the Ta in III. gruppe, the Dora 9 did fill a few spots in III. gruppe but Will had already moved in the Geschwader stab along with Loos and others. Will not need to apoligize for anything but his response is typical, as I have heard it many times from relatives as well as other German veterans
Just curious, Seesul. In the 2nd pic I see someone with a video camera. Do you know him and is it possible to post the video or know how to get it?
Thanks, Seesul, Willi and Adler. I can understand his response. I think after so many years - and it obviously weighs heavy on him - that might have been the only answer he could or want to give at this time.
Cheers to him.

Here's another thought. Maybe after all these years Willi has tired of the same conversation over and over again? He did just turn 86 right? It's about time to put the war behind him and enjoy the time he has left before he rejoins his fallen comrades. For what it's worth, that's what I read between the lines anyway. It was nice that he took the time to reply at all.
Just curious, Seesul. In the 2nd pic I see someone with a video camera. Do you know him and is it possible to post the video or know how to get it?

Yep Njaco, there´s a DVD taken during W.R.´s visit and shows his visit of Rudice (the town, where the B-17 of that guy in my siggy crashed) where he spoke to the mayor in the city hall and visited the grave of 2 US crew membres and then his discussion with the local people in museum in Slavicin (my born town).
Think I´ve already sent this DVD to Adler and Erich but I always feel ashamed for my poor German there:oops:
I still regret we didn´t have a video camera during his visit of the crash landing area when he met the local eye witnesses of his crash landing...I´m fool...
Here's another thought. Maybe after all these years Willi has tired of the same conversation over and over again? He did just turn 86 right? It's about time to put the war behind him and enjoy the time he has left before he rejoins his fallen comrades. For what it's worth, that's what I read between the lines anyway. It was nice that he took the time to reply at all.

I think there were to many questions at once. I always ask him 2-4 questions in each letter and he always answers them.
But I 100% agree. It´s time to enjoy the life now.
Anyway, when there´s a time I´ll scan his answers he sent me till now and can post them here. I´m sure some of them will be interesting for you all.
Maybe next week.
Nice weekend guys!
he maybe tired but he accepted the responsibility of being Traditionsverband for JG's 300, 301 and 302 years ago, so expects questions to come his way unless he has or soon will transfer the duties over to his son or someone else that was in one of the Geschwaders

he maybe tired but he accepted the responsibility of being Traditionsverband for JG's 300, 301 and 302 years ago, so expects questions to come his way unless he has or soon will transfer the duties over to his son or someone else that was in one of the Geschwaders


Hi Erich,

W.R. gave up all his activities in Traditionsverband last year since he had some troubles with his health. This was the only way how to relax.
BTW, off topic, just bought flight tickets to London. Now we can start with our plan for Duxford Flying Legends 2008. One thing is sure already- I´ll have to reduce the number of the beers there at least to 50%- my son will be there as well :)
Hi Erich,

W.R. gave up all his activities in Traditionsverband last year since he had some troubles with his health. This was the only way how to relax.
BTW, off topic, just bought flight tickets to London. Now we can start with our plan for Duxford Flying Legends 2008. One thing is sure already- I´ll have to reduce the number of the beers there at least to 50%- my son will be there as well :)

Roman, please don't forget LLLLLooooooootttttttttsssssss of pictures.:lol:
A Fishing license test???????????? Chris, could you explain this one. I've never heard about anyone having to take a test before.

In Germany you have to take a course to get your Fishing License. It is not a course on how to fish and you do not learn how to fish (thank god since I allready know how to fish).

The course and test covers the laws here in Germany and water rights.

Its quick and easy...

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