Woljags' Avro Lancaster/Manchester/Lincoln/York/Shackleton - Personal Group Build

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progress so far

i'm not happy with the central tailfin on the rear fuselage so i plan to redo this ,

thanks for looking
thanks to Evan i now have most of the parts to complete this now all bar the canopy[thanks Evan i tried to leave you a private meesage but your post box is full],i hope to get sometime this weekend to do some more modelling including getting on with this one,fingers crossed
Glad you got the parts alright Bob! (must clean out the PM box too!)

Try and get your hands on one of the Falcon or Squadron sets I mentioned for the canopy, you'll also get all the turrets in them. (though the tail turret is the later 'Rose' type.)

progress today at last,thanks again to Evan for the parts this ship is starting to come together,i borrowed the canopy from my frog lancaster to see what she will look like when complete as can be seen in one of the photos

thanks for looking
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No worries mate, you're more than welcome! She's coming along nicely!

Looks like you found your canopy too, or is that the one from your Frog Lanc?

all the filling is now done [this pic was taken while the filling was being done]and i plan to start painting the camo tomorrow once i've varnished the manchester,

thanks for looking
let me know when you do the lincoln and i will join you as i have a 1/72nd vac form sitting in the pile of kits
Ah, shame. Still, those sets I mentioned will see you right -let me know if you have any trouble getting them (shouldn't be a problem though.)

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